The Soul's Journey

Exploring Soul Identity offers these four Step by Step Practical Workshops to aid you on your Journey.

Right now, you might not fully understand why you’re here on earth. But you know there’s something different about you. And it’s haunting that you haven’t fully realized or expressed your gifts.

It might sound a bit crazy but trust me… you’re exactly where you need to be. Let your desire to know “why?” motivate your willingness to weather the storm And harbor where your soul is at home.

Exploring Soul Identity
Randy Russell - Empowering Young Adults


You have a unique design which turns out to be what you need to know in order to create the life that matches you. There is a dynamic and profound transformation that it is necessary for you to recognize when it comes to you. These workshops are meant to awaken your awareness to what is possible for you and your family.

Answering the Call

Not knowing your own unique design may actually cause you to avoid what your soul longs to know and become.  This training assists you to recognize and prepare for the adventure which leads you to the true identity of your soul self.

The workshop is two and a half days of training starting on a Friday and ending midday Sunday. Come in relaxed clothing, including for some non-exertion outdoor exercises.

Advanced Awareness Training

Most humans are locked into routines which cause them to miss out on the beauty of life happening all around them. We could refer to the lack of awareness as being one of the walking dead. Did you know that you can sense what is happening within a hundred yards of where you are and even farther. You can recognize possible danger before it befalls you. Whether you have some awareness or possibly concede to be acting as one of the walking dead, this training opens your perceptions, connects you with the world of beauty, and increases your gratitude. We add it to the soul-discovery training because it provides you with advantages which will make your transition much easier.

The workshop is two and a half days of training starting on a Friday and ending midday Sunday. Come in clothing suitable for many physically easy outdoor exercises.

Creating Your Soul-Aligned Career Intensive

This is a training for those serious about designing and implementing a plan for Getting Paid to Be You. Once you have completed the Soul’s Journey and know who you are and what your purpose is you are ready to work on the techniques to align your current career or to transition into a career that better matches you. This workshop takes you through the practical skills to make this happen.

* Pre-Requisites Required: You can’t create a career which matches your soul identity until you are clear about your own identity. At a minimum, having completed the first two books of the trilogy is needed to take this workshop.

Mentoring and Launching Young Adults

Our culture is missing the vital and necessary formal transitions into a soul-identity empowered adulthood. This leaves the adolescent confused about their future, education, and purpose. Launching a young adult requires a team which includes the parents and wise mentors who have done their own soul’s journey. We explore the roles the parents and the mentors need to be present for the young person’s best advantage.  We look at how to transition into a respectful adult-to-adult relationship between parent and adult child. Also how to create a rites of passage training and ceremony to guide the young person for the next phase of their development.

The workshop is two and a half days of training starting on a Friday and ending midday Sunday. Come in relaxed clothing, including for some non-exertion outdoor exercises.

Hi, I’m Randy Russell, M.S.
Because of the wisdom and guidance of my parents, I had mentors and elders to bring me into adulthood. At age 22, I discovered a significant part about my soul identity and my purpose. Because of this I have Been Paid to Be Me throughout my whole career. I started working with young adults, mentoring them into self-discovery and empowered adulthood, since 1974.

I added parent and mentor training to the curriculum in the mid-90’s, including parent & adult child workshops for realigning their relationships, and helping parents create meaningful rites of passage ceremonies. I look forward to sharing these insights and skills in book and workshop formats.

Rich and I have sought to bring forward some important aspects of successfully and joyfully enjoying your human experience while learning how to be a positive contributor to a healthy planet. We have designed several workshops to share concepts and techniques you can use for yourself and your family to make your life rich. These are techniques that have worked for my past students, who are now living incredible lives of passion and service.  We welcome you to come and expand your own palette for success.

If one person in your life sees you, you will never be entirely lost.
~ Colleen R. Russell, The Artful Sage

A true mentor offers this gift to you – you are seen – you are heard and validated. This individualized tutelage exceeds the benefit of the curriculum alone and provides a level of deep connection. It gives you a place of safety to explore the YOU that has been hidden away, afraid to speak and act authentically.

Randy is fully invested in getting to know each student in order to help them customize their own self-discovery.   You have access to your own answers which no human, no matter how wise, can tell you. He supports your personalized exploration with possible technique shortcuts which are seasoned with his experience. He provides the environment and the questions to help you explore your soul identity, your vision, purpose, and passions.

The established goals towards the students are as follows:

  • Recognize and respect your autonomy and freedom of conscious.
  • Create a safe space to explore and practice.
  • Move forward at the student’s speed of understanding.
  • Leave you with concepts and exercises to explore further on your own.
  • Respect your morals and values.
  • Offer exercises which enhance your personal connection with the Creator/Higher Power
  • Be more interested in your personal growth than in selling products and services.
  • Awakening your awareness and gratitude to new heights

The goal for each student is to:

  • embrace and support healthy cultural practices.
  • have a positive sense of purpose.
  • know how to learn and seek long-term wisdom.
  • be well-prepared to succeed in their next life phase.
  • have a roadmap to prepare for the life they have envisioned.
  • enjoy good social and leadership skills.
  • become aware of the importance to possess survival and practical sustainable skills that provides a sense of self-confidence.
  • understand natural laws and, therefore, are looking to pursue projects with long-lasting results.